My 9th child pushed me over the edge. I never planned to be a mama of many, let alone a fragile, special-needs baby who wasn’t expected to live past her first birthday. But there I was, feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis. How in the world could we possibly continue homeschooling when we were drowning in overwhelm?
I remember those days so vividly: I was drained. Oh, so very drained. More than that…I believed I was failing everyone around me, ESPECIALLY my kids. The pressure, anxiety, and depression took me to disturbing places from which I was terrified I would never escape. I was scared nothing would ever be normal my marriage, in our family, or in any of the passions I used to have that I now felt were slowly slipping away.
It was a dark, difficult time. And I knew something had to change. I yearned for everyone in our family to THRIVE, not simply survive!
And you know what? We did! It wasn't overnight, but as we centered ourselves on our foundation of TRUTH, slowly we found ourselves settling into a new normal. We learned what we needed to know in order to move forward as a family of 11, caring for a little one with profound needs. And we repositioned ourselves to be ready for how God would use our family story to build His kingdom while blessing and encouraging others.
Now I’m on a mission to share TRUTH and HOPE with others, especially other homeschooling mamas who feel completely overwhelmed, wondering how in the world they will make it through the next day...let alone the high school years!
YOU CAN DO THIS! It IS possible! My family and I are living proof!
Don’t focus any longer on the fear and uncertainty.
Center yourself on a foundation of truth...
Educate yourself and learn what your next steps are...
And position yourself to move forward into all God has for you.
Ready to learn more? Click the button and let’s chat!