UN-Planning Our Parenthood
Living Our Pro-Life Convictions with Freedom and Joy

This is the story of one woman's personal journey in marriage and motherhood. Though she and her husband never planned to have a large family, they now have 9 children, the youngest of whom has special needs. From admittedly being a self-centered young bride to becoming the mother of many, she traces her story with raw honesty, gentle grace, and a touch of humor. She shares the meanings behind the unique names of her children along with her growing awareness of what it means to truly be pro-life. From the joy of childbirth to the agony of loss, she examines her emotions candidly in light of Scripture and her relationship with Jesus.

In the midst of a cultural battle for the unborn, this soul-searching testimony stands as a treatise not only for the value of life itself, but also for the grace and power God gives in the midst of uncertainty.

What Readers Are Saying

“Beverly’s well chosen words are a key part of her effective communication. She reveals her journey to evaluate and to live out her beliefs about the high value of human life. This book is fast moving, focused, and relevant to our culture’s questions.” 
Laurie B, missionary and homeschool mother of 5
“Such a powerful, encouraging book.” 
Annette P, homeschool mother of 9
“Beverly is honest, funny, open with all of her emotions, and incredibly encouraging. The story of their family is a testimony to their love and faith in God. Beverly and her husband Ted don’t only live out their pro-life convictions, they demonstrate what it looks like to trust Jesus even when it is excruciatingly hard, and to believe that He really will be their strength in times of weakness and their peace that passes all understanding. This book is worth reading—again and again.” 
Joyce Z, TEAM missionary and homeschool mother of 5
“What a blessing to read Beverly’s honest thoughts about birth control, family planning, and the challenges of having a child with special needs. I highly recommend this book if you are thinking about having children, if you already have children, if you are facing an unplanned pregnancy, or if you have a child with special needs.” 
Lisa H, homeschool mother of 2
UN-Planning Our Parenthood reveals an odyssey into selflessness and surrender. As Beverly shares her journey with you in openness, honesty, and love, this book calls you into letting go of ambition and walking into God’s fantastic dream for your life. Not a life of ease, but a life of supreme meaning—as all lives are.” 
Christine, Amazon reviewer

“Beverly’s honest, compelling story of God’s faithfulness through the scariness of pain, uncertainty, and doubt with a medically fragile baby is so worth reading. As our culture becomes less and less committed to the sanctity of life and the protection of our weakest, most vulnerable members, Beverly’s story becomes even more important as a clarion call to stand up for these ‘least of these.’ Their lives are so valuable, so worth loving, so very precious. And they teach us so much.” 
Claire B, homeschool mother of 10
“The author is open and honest as she details her journey through parenthood and life with a special needs daughter….This is a pretty quick read, and I highly recommend it. I believe it will be an encouragement to anyone that reads it.”
Natalie S, Amazon reviewer
“As a fellow mother of a child with Trisomy 18, I bought this book and read it as soon as I heard about it. Beverly does a beautiful job of explaining how her faith impacted her decisions and outlook on life. The book gives realistic hope to those newly struggling with a Trisomy diagnosis. Children with Trisomy 18 (and other Trisomies) can live happy lives.”
RJ, Amazon reviewer

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Copyright Beverly Jacobson