From Diagnosis to Delivery:
What to Expect When the Unexpected Happens During Your Pregnancy

How do you move forward after you receive an unexpected diagnosis for your baby? How do you deal with the devastation and chaos? Most importantly, how do you prepare for the range of possibilities you now face? From Diagnosis to Delivery is a compassionate, invaluable tool for parents who are facing a life-limiting diagnosis for their unborn child. The author encourages advocacy for parents who need to have their voices heard as they navigate a pregnancy with a child they are often told is “incompatible with life.”

This book helps parents navigate everything on this journey, from receiving the initial diagnosis, finding a medical team that supports the wishes of the parent, advocating after delivery, facing loss, and providing for a medically fragile child. Just a few of the tools you'll find in this book:

  • Guidance to cope with the mental and emotional health aspects of a pregnancy after learning of a life-limiting diagnosis for Baby
  • A heads up about preconceived ideas you'll encounter within the medical world, family and friends, and even yourself
  • Pointers for the research process
  • Talking points for your medical team
  • Ideas for making memories during the pregnancy
  • Preparing for loss
  • Preparing for life
  • Preparing a birth plan
  • And more.
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Praise for From Diagnosis to Delivery

In my capacity as lead researcher for the Tracking Rare Incidence Syndromes (TRIS) project, I continually look for resources for parents beginning the journey into the rare trisomy world. There is so much to learn and so many decisions to make. Beverly Jacobson’s book, From Diagnosis to Delivery, provides a needed collection of facts, anecdotes and recommendations. Whatever the outcome, the information will assist parents-to-be and others involved in the arrival of a newborn with trisomy 18 [or any prenatal diagnosis] a positive perspective and concrete steps for the initial journey.  
Deborah A. Bruns, Ph.D.
Lead researcher, Tracking Rare Incidence Syndromes (TRIS) project
Professor, Special Education program
School of Education, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
 As a surgeon, I’m trained to thoroughly review medical literature and provide realistic expectations to my patients regarding their diagnoses and treatment options. As a Christian and a mother, my heart leads me to encourage and provide hope to my patients as much as possible. When I received the presumptive diagnosis of Trisomy 18 for our precious baby boy Asher, a son I’ve been wanting to have all my life, no training could have prepared me for the roller coaster ride of emotions that we were forced to go on. Life is hard, medicine is not always exact, most doctors do care, but we are human and when we don’t have answers, we can lose our way. Of all the tools I had in my arsenal to deal with such a devastating diagnosis (and ultimately a loss), it was my faith that help me through, and it is my faith that continues to carry me. As I read through the pages of Beverly Jacobson’s From Diagnosis to Delivery, I felt her words healing wounds in me that I didn’t think could ever heal. This book reminded me that we are all beautifully and wonderfully made, that we don’t have all the answers (nor do we need to), that we are and always will be mothers who love our children, in life and in death, in spite of any diagnosis, and regardless of the outcome. From Diagnosis to Delivery is a vital book for information, for hope, and for healing.
 Courtney E. Gibson, M.D., F.A.C.S.
Assistant Professor of Surgery
Yale-New Haven Hospital/Yale University School of Medicine
From Diagnosis to Delivery is a roadmap for parents who have received a life-limiting diagnosis for their unborn child. Beverly’s candid and often raw account of her own journey offers the reader hope and a life-line. This book outlines, in detail, any possible scenario parents of an unborn special-needs child may face with diplomacy and dignity. If you have just one book in your tool belt, this is the one to have!
Mellisa Blackburn
Executive Director, Yellow Horse Media 
This book is a result of the author’s driving force to advocate for trisomy families. She clearly references the tragic reality that discrimination against babies with a life-limiting diagnosis is all too real. Partly due to bias, partly due to ignorance, the push to abort is real.  Powerfully written, this book will arm you with practical ideas. You will appreciate how she lays out foundational truths, truths that will center you and empower you while dealing with this unprecedented life event. Knowledge is power.
Janet Vickrey RN, BSN
 From Diagnosis to Delivery is a compassionate, accessible, invaluable tool in the hands of parents who are facing a life-limiting diagnosis for their unborn child. Beverly’s own journey through the diagnosis of Trisomy 18 for her daughter Verity gives her a unique perspective into the heartache, challenges, grief, and joy surrounding the pregnancy, delivery, and often, but not always, loss of these rare and beautiful children. Beverly gently encourages advocacy for parents who need to have their voices heard as they navigate the pregnancy with a child they are often told is “incompatible with life.” From Diagnosis to Delivery helps parents navigate everything from initial diagnosis, finding a medical team that supports the wishes of the parent, advocacy after delivery, facing loss, and providing for a medically fragile child. Beverly writes in a conversational tone, putting invaluable information and tools into the hands of the parents who love their children unconditionally. 
Joyce Zick
TEAM Missionary to Italy
Member of Verity’s Village Board of Directors

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Copyright Beverly Jacobson