Dear Homeschool Mama...
You want to do so much more than simply survive homeschooling. 
You long to sustain and succeed for the LONG HAUL!

You feel called to teach and disciple 

the precious children God has given you...

...but at any given moment, you feel:

Overwhelmed. Keeping up with the usual tasks of motherhood is a full-time job on its own! Add in the educational component and frankly, it feels...well, overwhelming.

Inadequate. Is love and commitment really enough for your child's education?! There are so many areas in which you don't feel remotely qualified.

Discouraged. Where do you even start? And how do you keep going when things feel as if they're falling apart all around you?

Exhausted...maybe even burned out. If you've been doing this awhile, it's bound to happen: the joy and excitement shifts and suddenly you're hanging on by a thread.

...and you are wondering if you really 

CAN do this homeschooling thing 

(or even if you SHOULD do it)...

...or if maybe it would be better to look at other options...

You have the heart for raising up your children 

in the nurture and admonition of the Lord...

but fear, doubt, & insecurities are holding you back.

You, my friend, are in the right place!

It's time to lay aside everything that is hindering you

and establish your God-given 

  • Never wondering whether you could really do this homeschooling thing...
  • Showing up to homeschool each day feeling calm, confident, and competent...
  • Actually feeling empowered and equipped for this calling...
  • Walking in truth and overcoming feelings of inadequacy, discouragement, or burnout...
  • Homeschooling with a biblical, intentional approach as you disciple your children's hearts and minds...for life! 
You CAN do this!
You CAN homeschool your children with grace & ease...
for the long haul!

"His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness."
2 Peter 1:3, NIV

It's time to invest in yourself, 
the teacher of your children!
It's time to BE ROOTED...
in your own walk with Christ,
in your marriage,
in your family, &
in your homeschool!

Tell me if you can relate...

  • You want to maximize the time you have with your kids...
  • You wish it were easier to stay motivated and focused in your homeschool...
  • You desire to know and speak truth to your kids (and yourself!)...

What if I told you there IS a way to homeschool for the long haul...
WITHOUT losing your mind or feeling like a failure?
This is why I created the Be Rooted Program! Let's work together to help you pursue GOD'S purposes for your homeschool!
Cultivate deeper roots by investing in yourself 
for 6+ weeks of intentional growth!

Invest in yourself + your family! For less than a trip or two to Costco, you can take this step-by-step course and group coaching program designed to help you be deeply rooted in your walk with Jesus, following His unique plan for you AND your family as you work together to carry out your God-given purposes using your God-given skills + passions!

The Be Rooted Program gives you:
What's Included in the Be Rooted Program?

It would be ridiculous to plant a seed one day and go outside the next, expecting to pick fruit. We understand in the natural world that it takes time to grow a tree with deep roots that produces quality fruit. The Be Rooted program teaches Christian homeschool parents the deep work that must be done thoughtfully, intentionally, to plant our homeschool seed. We will dig deep into God's Word, laying a foundation of truth about God's character and calling as well as our preparation and perspective. The next step involves choosing our homeschool seed perfectly: creating and envisioning our Purpose, Possibilities, and Passions as they relate to our mission of raising kingdom-minded disciples of Jesus. We take all of this into the next phase as we prepare for storms and cultivate growth for the long haul!

Step by step, you will do the right work at the right time. You can't look for fruit from your homeschool efforts if you haven't first put the time and energy into growing strong roots. These 6 modules of program content are designed to guide you through a Scriptural approach to homeschooling for the long haul...which, really, has to do with training and raising up your children to be followers of Jesus for life!

You will have everything you need to apply what you are learning and take each next step in your journey. I've designed worksheets and exercises for you to do, ideally with your spouse, but you can certainly work on your own (plus you'll have a community of other moms to lean on as well). This will help you to take the information you're processing and actually implement it into your daily life. All you need to do is print as you go so they are ready to use in conjunction with the training videos as well as beyond.

Jesus is Lord of my life and everything I do. He is the center of my marriage, my family, and our homeschool. Everything we discuss in this program centers on the Word of God. The Bible is the only item on your supply list that you need to "bring to class," as I'll provide everything else! But you do need to know that there will be a LOT of biblical teaching in this program, because it's at the heart of EVERYTHING we are called to do as parents, homeschool or otherwise!

As changes and upgrades are made to the program, you get instant access! I love feedback from my clients, and when I make changes, you benefit! Throughout the lifetime of this course, you will have access to all content and any future upgrades I make.

But wait...there's even more!

If we priced all these resources individually, a program like this adds up to nearly $2K. 
But right now the 
Be Rooted Program
 is only $497!

 Let's be honest:
This program gives you a LOT of value for the cost of a few trips to Costco, depending on your family size!

Ready to get started?!
Let's do this!
Get immediate access after registration!

What People Are Saying...
Real thoughts from real people who have worked with Beverly

Hi, there! If we haven't met yet...
I'm Beverly Jacobson, military wife and homeschool mama of 9. Early in my homeschool journey I dug into Scripture and began taking to heart the words of Deuteronomy 6:4-9. I soaked up God's Word and grew deep roots.

And then the storms began to come. Miscarriages. Military moves. More babies. Deployments. 

Just as I had begun to accept (and even get excited about) the arrival of #9, we learned she had a life-limiting condition and wasn't expected to live. 

Have you been there? So exhausted, frustrated, and stretched beyond measure that you want to quit? Homeschooling feels hard, and in fact, sometimes even prayer feels hard. It's as if your prayers are bouncing off the ceiling and you wonder if God even hears you...if He even cares. Mama, I hear you! 

Today, our little miracle girl is a very special part of our lives. And I continue to homeschool 5 of her older siblings (we've now launched 3 graduates)! We are rooted in Christ, which is the key to growing strong and bearing fruit that will last. And we love helping other homeschool families be rooted as well.

Mama, I want to help you THRIVE! Let me help you root your homeschool deeply so you and your family can grow strong and healthy, bearing fruit that will last.
A discipleship & coaching program 
for Christian homeschool moms 
following God's call to raise kingdom-minded disciples of Jesus

Now only $497!
Frequently Asked Questions
You've got are answers!
What's included in the Be Rooted program?
This is a no-fluff program! You'll get 6+ weeks' worth of video trainings steeped in Scripture and covered in prayer, including all related course materials. This course is based on biblical truth, with quality activities and exercises to help you learn and apply God's principles to your everyday homeschool life. Our time together will include the Purpose, Possibilities, and Passions workshops, plus training to help you formulate a “theology of suffering” and grow deep roots to withstand the storms of life, setting yourself up for continual growth for years to come.

When & how do I get access to the program?
You will get access to the online portion immediately, with instructions coming in your welcome email. 

How do I know if the Be Rooted program is right for me?
The Be Rooted program is written and produced specifically for Christian homeschooling families (especially moms, though we hope dads will participate and the whole family ultimately will benefit!). If you are a homeschool parent seeking to grow spiritually and be intentional about being rooted in Christ so you can help your children know Jesus and grow in Him, then this program may very well be exactly what you're looking for as you start your homeschool journey (OR if you are farther down the road and need a reset).

Can you guarantee I'll succeed at homeschooling?
I LOVE helping Christian homeschooling mamas grow in their confidence and capability as they juggle their roles of wife, mom, and teacher. But you probably know this already: no one can guarantee any particular results, especially when we are talking about matters of the heart. I'm not going to make any promises I can't keep. But...I CAN assure you that if you devote yourself to digging into the trainings (which are based on God's Word), and if you apply yourself to the "homework" I will be giving you, then you will be developing the perspective and consistency needed for spiritual growth. Becoming a deeply rooted homeschool mama takes commitment and perseverance. I am here to coach you and cheer you on as you bring it all before the Lord!

I'm a Christian, but our curriculum isn't faith-based. Is this program right for me? 
Absolutely! It doesn't matter what homeschool methods or supplies you use; the Be Rooted program is for the HEART of your homeschool, helping you plant deep roots to keep an eternal perspective. This program will actually help you make wise decisions concerning all those other homeschool tools on the journey.

Can I get a refund if I can't finish or decide I don't want to do this?
I understand life happens and sometimes we bite off more than we can chew. Because access to the course is all digital, and because you will have access for the lifetime this course is offered, there are no refunds. Please don't make the investment until or unless you are ready to do the work. I am here to support you, but you must be invested in the process in order to get the most out of it!

How is the content delivered? Will you mail me materials? 
This course and all material related to it will be delivered electronically. Certain materials are downloadable. Video teaching plus past Q&A and coaching sessions are ready for viewing in our private Be Rooted vault, with additional opportunities offered live via the Zoom platform and accessible in our private VIP group at anytime after they are posted. 

How long do I have access to the content?
Access to all materials related to the Be Rooted program is open for the lifetime of this program, including any updates and upgrades that are made to the program.

Do I have to complete the course in a certain amount of time? 
Sometimes we get stuck or fall behind. While the Be Rooted program is designed for you to tackle one module per week, the good news is you truly can go at your own pace (just like our homeschoolers!), taking more time if needed or going faster if desired. And because you have lifetime access to the materials and training, you don't have to worry about things disappearing if you don't finish in a certain time period.

What is the investment?
Your first investment is in yourself. Sometimes as moms we put ourselves on the back burner and tend to feel we "can't afford" to spend money on us. We lay aside our plans to exercise, pursue our dreams, or even get a new pack of underwear! (Or maybe just me?!) I'm looking for mamas who are ready to commit to pushing through, even when things feel hard or when facing unpleasant truths. Investing in your own spiritual growth is hard but has eternal rewards! And the real question is: can you afford NOT to invest in something that will not only help YOU grow, but also strengthen your marriage, your children, and your family unit? Can you afford NOT to invest in deeply rooting your homeschool, possibly giving up when the storms of life come at you down the road? The one-time financial investment you make of $497 (a couple of shopping trips for my family at Costco!) will bring you such incredible value in the long run.

Here's how this works...

  • Sign up for the Be Rooted program here.
  • Upon purchase, you will receive an email confirmation with further instructions.
  • You will immediately be able to access my online teaching vault. (Remember, you will have LIFETIME access to all of the materials, plus anything I add in the future to upgrade and enhance this learning experience!)
  • Join the Be Rooted mamas, ask your questions, engage with the material, and enjoy the program!

The Be Rooted Program: 
Helping Christian homeschool moms follow God's call to raise kingdom-minded disciples of Jesus.

Register TODAY—as we add assets to this growing resource, this price is the LOWEST the program will ever be. INVEST in YOURSELF, Mama! You pour love, time, energy, and money into your precious children, and rightly so. Don't be afraid to invest in the TEACHER of your children! We must be deeply rooted ourselves in order to help our children be rooted and grow in Christ also!

It’s time to do this—don't wait! You know how QUICKLY our kids grow up! Don't put it off!
Imagine waking up every morning feeling calm, confident, 
and READY for a great day homeschooling your children!

 Imagine feeling excited and energized
instead of exhausted and overwhelmed...

(not guessing or wondering)
you are absolutely doing the right work
FOR and WITH your children!

It's possible! Let's do this together—
partner with me to grow deep roots and find JOY in your homeschool journey!

Lock in the low $497 price TODAY and receive lifetime access to these and any future resources! 

About Me
I'm a homeschooling mama of 9 who has been on this journey since 2004! We've launched 3 young adults and are homeschooling 5. Our youngest has profound needs, so her "school" looks much different. As a couple and as a family, we've learned that being deeply rooted in Jesus is the ONLY way to homeschool for the long haul!

My mission is to equip homeschool moms to be deeply rooted so that they can persevere in raising kingdom-minded disciples of Jesus! Let's lock arms and do this together...join me now for this one-of-a-kind adventure!